Monday, 25 November 2013

Exercise: Kaos

At the beginning of our theatre lesson, we did an exercise called 'Kaos'. This game consists of 3 layers but we only did two layers to start off with for today.


We had to get in a circle and say someone's name around the room one by one. For example, Mr Rennison would say Edgar's name then Edgar would say Sam's name for example. Then, Sam would say someone else's name within then it would continue until there are no more names left to say and it would go back to Mr Rennison. 

Personally, I found the task quite easy. However, I had trouble remembering the person who said my name. Therefore, it made it quite hard for me to know when to come in and say a person's name in the circle. I had a fear of not wanting to mess up but one of the main objectives of the game is to NOT be negative and to embrace your mistakes. 


Still remaining in a circle, we had to throw a ball to another person that was different to the previous person who's name that was said before in layer 1. However, when you throw the ball, you have to say the name of the person you said in layer 1. For example, if Mr Rennison said Edgar's name in layer 1, in layer 2, he would throw the ball to someone who isn't Edgar e.g. Sam but would say Edgar's name when throwing it to him.

I think that this game helps us to stimulate our minds and get them working and thinking. The exercise was quite challenging for me as I had to think about multiples of different things whilst trying to successfully do something at the same time. Nonetheless, it was not the end of the world if we failed to succeed the exercise. If we did, we would have to acknowledge it then move on from it. We need to be able to learn from the mistakes we make and not down ourselves about it! Making mistakes helps to realise what went wrong then learn from it in order not to make the same mistake again.

I have come to the conclusion that Kaos is a perfect exercise to do in order to warm up before rehearsing Blackout. Blackout is quite a diverse play that is mainly set in a character's mind and thoughts. Within Kaos, you need to be able to access your mind and thoughts to successfully do the exercise well. Both the exercise and the play link as they both require the use of minds and thoughts to successfully do it well. 

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