Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Playwright's Intentions and How They Impact On The Play

I think the playwright's intentions was to show how depressing a troubled teenaged boy's life can be. They were trying to tell the audience his story through his eyes and what has happened in his life to effect him now. Also, I think another of the playwright's intentions was to get us thinking throughout the play as it starts us of with the first word being "Imagine" in the play. This impacts the play by making it flow as if it's a monologue and James is the only character as the play is telling his life story. However, once we read more indepth into the play, we begin to see that more and more characters are involved. Although this play may seem quite upsetting, it's good that the playwright is making us aware that the things presented in the play do occur in real life situations! In order to be a great actor/actress, you need to be aware of the current world around you so that you are able to portray different roles. With 'Blackout' being a gothic play in some sense, it educates us on how things can be in the world for teenage boys or even anyone.

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